Everglades Area Light – Brilliance Metal Works



Everglades Area Light – Brilliance Metal Works

The Everglades is an area light that serves as a low-profile indicator. Pair with the optional Deck Mount accessory as a base for flat surfaces like boating docks and deck applications.

Fixture Finishes

The Everglades fixture is available in the following finishes: machined brass or black brass (Cerakote®).

Machined brass offers a beautiful living finish that weathers over time to a unique patina.

Black brass fixtures with Cerakote® H Series ceramic coating offer superior corrosion resistance, durability, chemical resistance, and thermal stability.

To clean the fixture, periodically wipe it down with a mild soap and water.

Everglades Flyer

Wildlife Lighting Cut Sheet

Everglades Area Light Spec Sheet



  1. Pull the assembly top off of the fixture base.

  2. Install the lamp into the socket.

  3. Press the assembly top into fixture.


  1. Dig a hole in the ground approximately 4” wide by 10” deep. When working with soft soil, use a rubber mallet to drive the stake into the ground.

  2. Lay the power cable from the fixture into the slotted relief on the stake.

  3. Screw the fixture into the stake.

  4. Use a level to ensure the top of the spike is level with the ground, or put a level on the stem of the fixture.


  1. 1. Use the Brilliance Deck Mount.

  2. Use three #10 x 3” round head stainless steel deck screws to mount the Deck Mount to wood or composite deck material.

Additional information

Everglades Construction Option

Everglades Area Light Bras with Micro G4 Amber Lamp, Everglades Area Light Brass No Lamp, Everglades Area Light Black Brass with Micro G4 Amber Lamp, Everglades Area Light Black Brass No Lamp

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